Moving Culture
Moving Culture is an independent, non-governmental organization. It was established in November 1999 with the purpose to enhance and promote the creativity and alternative ideas in communication, all art disciplines, various forms of contemporary culture and media. It also aims to contribute in the creation and improvement of cultural and artistic policies in Albania. Moving Culture’s implementing strategy has been to organize a large number of artistic events like concerts, workshops, exhibitions, theaters and symposiums, often with an interdisciplinary scope, while giving concrete examples on fundraising processes, bringing together the institutional sphere with the private sector. In addition Moving Culture monitors and evaluates in quantity and quality cultural promotions in all media vehicles.
Recent Projects

Date: 13 - 20 September 2018
Venue: Tirana
The artistic Program of the Tirana Music-Film Festival will be based on the Vienna Film Festival Format and will offer a very interesting mixture of musical productions from different genres. A good combination of Austrian and Albanian musical movies, documentaries and recordings ranging from classic to modern. The festival will also embrace the concept of street food. A gourmet corner will be organized in in order to enhance the participants experience.

Venue: ECO Camping in Sqefales Dhermi
ECO Camping" is the first Camping Resort in the country managed with self-contribution of our members which strongly supports the protection of environment, renewable energy (solar) and using environment friendly fully recicled materials.

Venue: Dhermi
The annual artistic open-air festival which involves art and philosophic community participation embracing the idea of inclusion and aims to instill a set of core values in its active participants. The installations are conceived in a artistical residence model and used in public beaches and places around Dhermi.
Music Upcoming

Date: June - July
Venue: Tirana
After the success of Tirana Jazz Festival, a spectacular history of young jazz and alternative music bands started in 2000, Moving Culture is proud to present the 2019 edition. Always looked upon Jazz-music-nights as seeds of a real international jazz festival, a place of meeting, mixing and exchanging of young musicians.
Empowering Women in Rural Tourism

Date: May - September
Venue: Albania
Equal access to labor market is one of the most effective ways to increase gender equality. Tourism industry in Albania in the past two decades has developed in bases of small family operators, generating income for the head of tha family. Therefore, the largest number of women working in the sector are engaged in unpaid labor. This project, while training and employign women has increased their chances to generate income and gain professonal skills and experience.

Date: March - June
Venue: Albania
The national essay contest includes all high school seniors from public and private institutions all over Albania. They are invited to write an essay on one of the 13 topics selected. A jury will assign prices to the best essays including 5 scholarships and 5 PC. A selection of essays will be included in a publication distributed in all public high schools.